You Have A Right To Recover. You Have A Right To Thrive.
You Have A Right To The Comfort of Sacred Rest.
Listen to an extract from Shadow & Rose
Start Sowing The Seeds Of Your Recovery.
Sexual violence is a wound that too many women know all too well. The perpetration of these acts is symptomatic of living under Patriarchy and proves yet again that this system of oppression needs to be dismantled.
Our life force of body, mind and soul wants us to return to balance, back to a sense of equilibrium and over time we may even move beyond the victory of surviving and into the state of thriving.
Inside all of us we have physiological systems not just built for survival, but for healing. It is the heart’s resolve that we shine light on to our pain, blossom into power and thrive like a sacred rose.
When we make sacred time to access the body’s innate healing response, we become empowered to comfort and connect with ourselves through recovery and beyond.
Yoganidra is a transformational state which we can aspire to enter. This state is one of deep peace found in the liminal void, watched over by the grace of Goddess Yoganidra.
Rise and Bloom. Be The Heroine Of Your Unfolding Story.
In Shadow and Rose you will find a weekly recovery lesson, recovery rituals and activities plus guided deep relaxation meditations.
Each lesson explores a new recovery theme such as:
You Did Not Deserve It and It Was Not Your Fault: Recovering from Negative Self Talk
It's Right To Be Raw: Recovering Your Connection To Sacred Rage
It Belongs in the Dark Ages: Recovering from the Grip of Shame
“Sarah holds space beautifully. Her workshop has put me back in touch with myself on a deep level. Attention to detail was intrinsic, delivered in a way that made me feel safe, closer to my spirit and mother divine.”
Shine Light on your Heart. Bloom into your Power.
Please be advised that yoga nidra is not a substitute for professional medical intervention for PTSD or trauma from sexual violence. Please refer to a counsellor or psychotherapist for support with trauma after sexual violence. If you are in crisis or in danger at this moment, contact the emergency services.
Resources for Recovery
Call your location’s Emergency Services if you are in mental health crisis or immediate danger.
Public sector services:
https://www.rainn.org/ US based RAINN have an app for survivor’s with a support hotline and self-care tips.
https://www.rape-dvservices.org.au/ Rape and Domestic Violence support in Australia
https://www.refuge.org.uk/ For support for those experiencing Domestic Abuse
Private services:
Legal advice on sexual assault in taxis https://cutterlaw.com/sexual-assault-ride-sharing-guide/